The continuing saga of one Markus Wolf.
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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Next Experiment: Animated Gifs

Okay, I recently learned that a law was changed and Americans can go for six months or less without a visa. It's a pretty new law. That should save at least $100.

But here's my next experiment. Will this support animated gifs? Here goes.
Friday, September 02, 2005

Visa information

Um, I know nobody’s reading this yet. But these are the interesting things about trying to get a visa to Ukraine.

  1. If you are an American, and want to go to Ukraine for 90 days or less, you don’t need a visa.

  1. I can only find visas for 6 months, but I’m looking for a year

  1. Single entry visas cost 100 bucks. (That’s a visa that means you only come in once.)

  1. You need a letter of invitation from a religious organization, to get the kind of visa for YWAM.

Now let’s see if I can publish this entry.

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