The continuing saga of one Markus Wolf.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Mayonnaise Fish

This was not at Dan and Ivanka's wedding, it was at one in Rivne. But there he is in his carrot flower glory. Don't know what the food product in the foreground is though...

Wedding Stuff

The Best Man. Yep, that’s what they called me. The Best Man. I was also the lord of the rings. But that’s the title I gave myself. (I put “lord” in lower case lest someone think I’m comparing myself to the Lord of Lords. Don’t you read Tolkien?)
I was in a wedding on Saturday. This was my third roommate to get married since I came to Ukraine, less than two years ago. I have two possible explanations for why so many of my roommates get married. Either..

A) I’m just the love doctor, and I just have the gift for helping guys find and keep that special someone. Or..

B) Guys who room with me say, “I can’t handle another roommate experience like that. I’m getting married.

I can see all my family and friends right now saying, “What about you, Markus? It sounds like it’s your turn.” (See, just saved you an email)
Rather than open that can of tuna, I’ll share what’s different about Ukrainian weddings I’ve been to, compared to American weddings. (Keep in mind, I’ve only been to three)

A) Lots more flowers. At the end of the ceremony, people greet the bride and groom, still on the platform. Some gifts are given here, but mainly the bride is inundated with bouquets of flowers. I think Ivanka (the bride on Saturday) may have had thirty bouquets. It was my job to stack them on the piano at the time and later load them in the car when they left. So I’d consider myself the expert on the sheer number of flowers.

B) Extended Play Variety Show at the Reception. Now I’ve only been to Christian weddings in Ukraine, and more of the Conservative Baptist variety. No dancing here, but dramas, songs, presentations, marital advice, funny stories, and it goes on and on. While the program’s a bit long for me, I must admit, that you really get to know the bride and groom through that time.

C) Suits, not tuxes. What a brilliant tradition! Instead of wasting good money on a tux you’ll never wear again, the groom and groomsmen get matching suits. Mine cost just $35, cool. I dare Americans to challenge our silly social norms and go this route. I know I will.. er would do that, if I were getting married… er yeah.

D) “Mayonnaise Fish.” Most Ukrainian weddings I’ve been to have on the table a large fish, head still attached, mouth gaping. (with or without the eyes. One wedding had black olives with mayonnaise pupils instead of the original eyes) Anyway the top of the fish is decorated a bit with mayo. (see pics above) Now, when I go to the reception, the first guest I l look for is Mr Mayonnaise Fish. Dan didn’t have one in his this Saturday, but it was half Ukrainian, half American wedding.

So that’s my quick course on Ukrainian weddings. Until next time.
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Krokodili in Uzhgorod too?

The Krokodili Team in Uzhgorod and their beautiful shield.

A Moment of Silence, for Your Tooth

We were joined at camp this year by the Dental Ministry. Believe it or not, the kids really loved them. Many of the orphans have horrible teeth and have been going for months with pain or infection. When they found out the dentists provided pain killers (they usually don't here, especially for orphans who can't pay for it) they were practically beating down the door to have work done.

Where's Waldo... I mean Markus

Somewhere you can find me among these kids. Okay, it's not very difficult. I knew you could find me.

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